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Pagan Federation International

Pagan Federation International exists not to promote a single aspect or path within paganism, nor does it presume to represent all pagans. Rather it is an umbrella organization with a membership drawn from all strands. It is an excellent source for international reporting on paganism.

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Kate Stockly

Kate Stockly researches affective neuroscience, cognitive science and evolutionary biology to construct biocultural theories of embodied religious ritual at Boston University.

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Rick Potts

Rick Potts is a paleoanthropologist who leads the Smithsonian’s Human Origins Program. He’s worked to ease evolution-related conflict between scientists and people of faith. Contact through the press office at 202-633-2950.

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Jamie Jensen

Jamie Jensen is a biology professor at Brigham Young University. She studies how to increase scientific understanding and reasoning.

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Adam Pryor

Adam Pryor is an assistant professor of religion at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kan. His research interests include the origins of life, astrobiology and embodiment.

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Sara Imari Walker

Sara Imari Walker is an associate professor at the School of Earth and Space Exploration and deputy director of Beyond: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz. She is also the leader Emergence, an ASU research group focused on the origins of life here and elsewhere in the universe.

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William Storrar

Wiliam Storrar is the director of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, N.J., an ecumenical institute for interdisciplinary research in religion. The center designates several topics to study for a year or more and has, to date, focused on religion and violence, law and religious freedom, evolution and moral identity, among others.

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