Source guides on Bosnia and Herzegovina

More source guides on Bosnia and Herzegovina

Organizations on Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • is an online active network of researchers and scholars who conduct comparative research on Islam and Muslims in the West and disseminate key information to politicians, media, and the public.

  • International Institute of Islamic Thought

    The International Institute of Islamic Thought is a private, nonprofit, academic, cultural and educational institution concerned with general issues of Islamic thought and education.  The institute is based in the United States but has locations in Bangladesh, Nigeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the U.K.

  • Mediacentar Sarajevo

    Education and research institution supporting development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Involved in training, consulting, publishing, media research, production and events.


    Pan-European professional network promoting leadership, diversity, empowerment and positive perceptions of European Muslims. Hosts programs and activities, such as meetings with European leaders and inspirational events and in-mosque mentoring for Muslim youth.

  • Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

    Network of nonprofit investigative journalism organizations that conduct training, produce stories, provide resources and encourage the creation of similar nonprofit groups.

More organizations on Bosnia and Herzegovina