Green Muslims

Green Muslims seeks to inspire Muslims to educate themselves about the environment and be stewards of the earth. It works with mosques and Muslim student associations across the U.S.

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Catholic Climate Covenant

Catholic Climate Covenant is an umbrella environmental and climate change advocacy organization that includes multiple Catholic organizations, such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It organizes public letters to policymakers on environmental topics and provides training on lobbying.

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Creation Justice Ministries

Creation Justice Ministries (formerly the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program) works in cooperation with national bodies of Protestant denominations, Orthodox communions, regional faith groups and congregants to protect and restore God’s creation.

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The Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies

The Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., is a community of scholars and researchers engaged in the analysis of public policy issues related to Catholic social thought.  The work of the institute serves and speaks to the university, the Church, the country, and the disciplines […]

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