Foundation Beyond Belief

The Foundation Beyond Belief is a charitable and educational organization created “to focus, encourage and demonstrate the generosity and compassion of atheists and humanists.” Each quarter the foundation designates 10 charities to be recipients of its members’ donations. Dale McGowan is executive director.

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Enlighten the Vote

Enlighten the Vote is a nonpartisan political action committee working to elect atheists. Ellen Johnson is executive director. Contact through the website.

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Camp Quest

Camp Quest was established in 1996 as the first residential summer camp in the U.S. aimed at children from freethinking families. Amanda Metskas is executive director.

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American Ethical Union

The American Ethical Union espouses “deed before creed.” It neither affirms nor denies a belief in God and has no set theology or doctrines about life’s mysteries. Bart Worden is executive director.

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